Nipah bananas, a type of agricultural commodity, have started to dominate the export list via the Entikong Cross-Border Post (PLBN) cargo route. It is recorded that the export volume of Nipah bananas to Sarawak, Malaysia, can reach up to 1,000 kilograms per day.
Triandana Sudarto, the Head of PLBN Entikong's Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine Service in West Kalimantan, stated that Nipah bananas are one of the more stable agricultural export products to Malaysia through the PLBN Entikong cargo route. In early January 2025, 7.2 tons of bananas were exported to Sarawak with 12 export certificates issued. In 2024, the total export of Nipah bananas reached 214.3 tons with 559 export certifications. The increasing demand for Nipah bananas in Sarawak is evident from the growing export volume and frequency via the Entikong route. Triandana also emphasized that the growth of agricultural exports through this route is accompanied by strict quarantine inspections, ensuring quality control and compliance with international market standards.