Board Member

marco noto la diegaMARCO NOTO LA DIEGA


Born in Palermo, Italy on October 27th, 1967. Mr. Marco La Diega has been serving as Managing Director and Country CEO of PT Piaggio Indonesia since 2013.

Mr. Marco Noto La Diega received his M.B.A in USA in 1997, in Finance & Organizational Strategy, from Simon Graduate Business School, University of Rochester, holding a Fulbright scholarship. He holds a Doctorate in Management Engineering from University of Palermo, Italy, and M.Sc. in Management Engineering with magna cum laude from same University.

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filippo d antoniFILIPPO D'ANTONI

Vice Chairman

Born in Roma, Italy on June 12th 1965. Mr. Filippo D’Antoni is the Chief of Ansaldo Energia Branch in Indonesia.

He started his carrier in the 1999 as Asia Area Manager for a Finmeccanica company (Alenia Difesa) and from that moment, working for different companies within the Finmeccanica group, he always followed as priority the Asia Market.

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giuseppe fardellaGIUSEPPE FARDELLA

Vice Chairman

Born in Italy on November 3rd, 1952. Mr. Giuseppe Fardella occupies the position of Indonesia Chief Representative of AIA Inc. (Allied Industry Assistance) operating in the field of Engineering & Supply of various Italian construction technologies.

Graduate at State University of Milano, Italy, in Medicine and Surgery (Medical Doctor), He started his career as Area Manager at Associated Industrial Advisor (Supplier of Machinery in the field of mining and construction), based in Milano, Italy but covering South East Asian Countries.

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alessandro martiraniALESSANDRO MARTIRANI


Born in Napoli, Italy on June 20th 1961. Mr. Alessandro Martirani has over 20 years’ experience in finance, accounting and internal controls.

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Secretary General

Born in Indonesia on February 8th, 1977, Mulyaningsih Prawirowiryono is active in supporting and supervising the Italian Business Association in Indonesia (IBAI) secretariat activities since 2014. She is occupying the position of Economic Development at Salesian Don Bosco Foundation.

Having over 20 years of experience working and involvement in Private companies, European Chamber, European and Canadian organizations, equipped her with strong managerial and organizational skills.

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