The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is planning to implement a 10% bioethanol blend in public fuel (JBU) by 2030. Edi Wibowo, Director of Bioenergy at ESDM, stated that this target will be included in the revised Ministerial Regulation No. 32/2008 concerning the Provision, Utilization, and Trading of Biofuel as Alternative Fuel, which is currently under revision. The implementation will begin gradually with a 5% blend in 2025. Wibowo emphasized that the ongoing revisions are aligned with the roadmap in Presidential Regulation No. 40/2023 regarding the Acceleration of National Sugar Self-Sufficiency and Bioethanol Supply as Biofuel. The government also targets an increase in bioethanol production from sugarcane to at least 1.2 million kiloliters by 2030.
Simultaneously, ESDM’s Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Eniya Listiani Dewi, outlined several scenarios for biofuel targets in the revision of the 2008 regulation. For bioethanol, a 5% blend will be in place from 2024 to 2028, increasing to 10% from 2029 onwards. Biodiesel will also see an increase, with a 35% blend by 2024, rising to 50% by 2028. Further plans include a 10% biohydrocarbon blend in diesel by 2035 and a 2.5% bioavtur blend in aviation fuel by 2034.