On Tuesday, 21 November 2023, the Italian Embassy in Jakarta in collaboration with the Italian Business Association in Indonesia (IBAI) and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) held a hybrid meeting with the title of “Indonesia’s Halal Certification Scheme” that took place at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, Thamrin Room (Jl. MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat) at 15.00 – 17.00 (WIB) or 09.00 – 11.00 (CEST).
The discussion involved the Representatives from the Halal Registration and Certification Center of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal/BPJPH), the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Assessment Institute of the Indonesian Ulema Council (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat- Obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia/LPPOM MUI), and Halal Inspection Agency (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal/LPH) PT Sucofindo.
The event was warmly welcomed by the Ambassador of Italy in Indonesia, H.E. Benedetto Latteri that explained the aims of the event which was expected to provide halal framework and assist the company in contributing to the halal Food and Beverages sector.
We examined that this hybrid seminar has given us clarity about the information of the updated regulation about the halal registration in Indonesia. We would like to thank the speakers
1. Ibu Cucu Rina Purwaningrum S.TP,.M.P
Marketing and Networking Manager of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Assessment Institute of the Indonesian Ulema Council (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat- Obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia/LPPOM MUI)
2. Bapak Agus Suryanto S.T.,M.T
Head of Unit Halal of Halal Inspection Agency (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal/LPH) PT Sucofindo.
3. Ibu Hj. Siti Aminah, M.Pd.I
Head of the Halal Registration and Certification Center of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal/BPJPH), Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia
And thank you to the moderator, Bapak Giovanni Finarelli Baldassarre as the Head of the Economic & Commercial Section of the Embassy of Italy. We would also like to thank all the attendees who have actively participated in this seminar.