Business News
Businessman: Potential for Purchasing Ability are increasing until the End of Year
Although some developing countries are experiencing global crisis problems, it seems that so far Indonesia’s economic condition is no need to be worried. Even it’s stated that the consumers’ purchasing ability potentials so far have increased. "The consumers’ purchasing ability potentials in the future are still strong, but the tendency…
Indonesia Secretary of Commerce Encourages the Completion of Trade Agreements
The Secretary of Commerce (Ministry of Trade Indonesia) Enggartiasto Lukita continues to push the settlement of trade agreements. At least, there will be three trade agreements that will be completed. One of them, Indonesia will complete the Indonesian Australia comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (IA-CEPA). Previously substantially the IA-CEPA negotiations were…
Indonesia plans to complete 13 trade agreements
The Indonesian government is seeking to complete 13 trade agreements with other countries and trade organizations in an attempt to boost its exports amid the trade war between China and the United States, which has seen a trend toward global trade protectionism. Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said from the 13…
BI sees slowdown in manufacturing expansion in Q4
Bank Indonesia (BI) says expansion of the manufacturing sector has started to slow down after obtaining high growth in the third quarter. BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said over the weekend that the prompt manufacturing index (PMI) in the third quarter was above 50 percent, indicating that there was growth but…