Tuesday, 20 October 2020 08:08

In the Midst of Pandemics, Patimban Subang Port will be Inagurated, It is Expected to Boost the Economy

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said that Phase I of the construction of Patimban Port in Subang Regency would be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo in early November 2020. The inauguration will further stretch the economy in the export sector, which has been doing well during the pandemic. The governor who is familiarly called Emil said that in the midst of the economic downturn, the export sector in West Java still performed well, even with the highest achievement among other provinces in Indonesia.

It is hoped that the inauguration of Phase I of Patimban Port can significantly increase export activities. Seeing this, he appealed to the younger generation not to fight for jobs in urban areas anymore. Just focus on living in a village with an export business. "Next month, as planned, the inauguration of Phase I of the Patimban Port by the President will hopefully increase economic optimism. Because West Java's exports are at 16.5 percent, the highest in Indonesia. Foreign trade relations are still good, especially when Patimban will be opened next month, ”he said at Makodam III Siliwangi, Bandung City, Monday (19/10/2020). Most of West Java's exports are in the automotive, electronics and manufacturing sectors. The governor who is familiarly called Emil said that in the last two weeks there were economic sectors with good growth, namely telecommunications, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, educational services and food.

Emil said the West Java Economic Recovery Team was still conditioning so that the economy in every region in West Java could revive. The treatment is adjusted to the economic characteristics of each city regency. For example, there are those who rely on tourism, agriculture and industry. "The Economic Recovery Team has worked hard to condition three matters, namely carrying out recommendation activities at the regency city level. Because each regency city has a different economic recipe, yes, there is a tourism economy whose recipe for growth is different from the industrial economy. Pangandaran versus Karawang, for example, cannot have the same recipe. , "he said.

In the tourism sector, he said, hotel occupancy which is one of the references for improving the economy has not performed well, in fact it is still slumping. It's just that, Emil hopes that as the red zone or high-risk area for the spread of Covid-19 in West Java continues to decline, the tourism sector can revive itself. "We experienced contraction, the last data was at 5.98 and hopefully it gets better in December. In terms of epidemiology, there are currently only two red zones, namely Bekasi and Cirebon Regencies. Decreased after being at the number seven, five, then three areas in the red zone. "Hopefully with this decline, tourism will revive again," he said

Source: https://jabar.tribunnews.com/2020/10/20/di-tengah-pandemi-pelabuhan-patimban-subang-akan-diresmikan-diharap-akan-menggeliatkan-ekonomi



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