Wednesday, 07 August 2024 10:58

Indonesia Expands Heavy Aromatic Exports to India

In the globalized era, countries interact through cooperation and competition. The Indonesian government is seizing opportunities for its products to compete internationally, notably in the petrochemical sector. Indonesia recently exported 31,000 barrels of Heavy Aromatic to Hazira Port, India. Oos Kosasih, CEO of Pertachem, announced on 6 August 2024 that this export is part of a strategic focus on marketing and distributing petrochemical products, which will be key to Pertamina's future business. Pertachem sold approximately 56,000 barrels of Heavy Aromatic in 2024, with the first sale in June 2024. Given the rising demand for petrochemicals and interest in Heavy Aromatic, Pertachem is optimistic about expanding its market both domestically and internationally. Oos Kosasih emphasized Pertachem’s readiness to support marketing and product development, aiming for mutual growth. VP Commercial & Sales KPI, Aji Danardono, highlighted this as a testament to Pertamina Group's collaboration to meet the growing demand for petrochemicals. He stressed the need for synergy to develop Indonesia's petrochemical industry.

Heppy Wulansari, Acting Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, noted Pertachem's vital role in supporting the petrochemical industry by ensuring the marketing of essential products. Pertachem, part of Subholding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, exemplifies Pertamina’s commitment to the petrochemical sector through strategic initiatives to strengthen domestic supply chains. Heppy cited Pertachem’s distribution of Orthoxylene from the TPPI refinery in Tuban as an example, which reduces import dependence and strengthens the domestic industry. This aligns with government efforts to boost local production capacity and support economic growth. Furthermore, Pertamina Group is innovating through the crude-to-chemical downstream program, converting crude oil into high-quality petrochemical products. This initiative supports industry sustainability and the Net Zero Emission 2060 target, reflecting Pertamina's commitment to Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).




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