Friday, 05 August 2022 04:03

Irrigation Increases Productivity, Agriculture Becomes the Fulcrum of Food Security

One of the strategic programs in agriculture is irrigation. Irrigation contributes greatly to the growth and development of agricultural cultivation pursued by farmers. With good irrigation, the farm can grow to the maximum. As a result, agricultural productivity has also increased drastically. Minister of Agriculture (Mentan), Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) said that water is an important factor in the agricultural sector. Without a good water supply, it is impossible for agriculture to develop properly "Water is an important factor in the growth and development of agriculture. Without a good and stable water supply, it is difficult for the growth and development of agricultural cultivation. Productivity is also difficult to grow," said SYL.

Director General of PSP of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ali Jamil added, irrigation can also increase the intensity of planting and or the area of planting area, increase agricultural productivity, income and welfare of farmers, utilize the potential of surface water sources as irrigation water, both in irrigated and non-irrigated areas. According to him, irrigation water management must be carried out from upstream to downstream. This is because the malfunctioning or damage to one of the irrigation infrastructure buildings will affect the performance of the irrigation system. As a result, the efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation will be reduced "Irrigation is a solution during drought, so that agricultural production is completely uninterrupted. As part of water management, this irrigation ensures that water can always be available to meet the needs of agricultural land in any conditions and situations," said Ali, also Ali hopes that the surrounding community can maintain and maximize the function of this piped irrigation "So it is not only the productivity that has increased, but also the income of the farmers," he said.

Director of Agricultural Irrigation, Directorate General of PSP of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rahmanto, said irrigation is an important factor for farmers to be able to increase their Crop Index (IP). Well-flowing water is able to increase the IP of the farm.             

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