In line with the ambitious vision of Indonesia Maju 2045, the government has intensified its commitment to advancing societal well-being through inclusive programs, notably the National Health Insurance Program (JKN). Administered by BPJS Kesehatan since 2014, the JKN program plays a crucial role in ensuring universal access to healthcare services across the Indonesian population. Ghufron Mukti, the CEO of BPJS Kesehatan, emphasized the strategic steps taken by the government to realize the pillars of Indonesia's 2045 development, placing a specific focus on human development and the mastery of science and technology (IPTEK). The program supports societal progress through the provision of data samples and the publication of the JKN Journal, serving as valuable resources for academia, researchers, and the general public to conduct in-depth research on various aspects of health insurance. Efforts to improve public health and the quality of life encompass tackling nutrition challenges by 2025, increasing life expectancy, and reducing morbidity and mortality rates. The JKN Program aims not only to provide financial protection but also to foster awareness of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.
In close collaboration with the government, particularly the Ministry of Health RI, BPJS Kesehatan is actively contributing to the enhancement of public health and the quality of life. The focus is on formulating a comprehensive health strategy that considers factors such as understanding healthy lifestyles, improving facilities, and ensuring the sustainability of health insurance. Furthermore, BPJS Kesehatan is undergoing a transformation to elevate the quality of its services, ensuring that participants receive accessible, prompt, and equitable healthcare. As part of this initiative, BPJS Kesehatan has implemented mandatory JKN Service Promises across all its partner healthcare facilities. Universitas Airlangga has introduced specialized programs, such as the Master of Human Resource Development, Immunology Science Law and Development, Master of Health Economics, Master of Immunology, and Master of Forensic Science, aiming to positively impact health in Indonesia and align with the mission of BPJS Kesehatan.